Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Arabic -English dictionary

* B'slama Good bye
* Caid:local official
* dirham: local unit of money linked to the Euro
* Hamduallah Praise God
* Hanut Hole in the wall neighborhood store
* Ingill Gospel, also used for new testament
* Inshallah: God willing
* International Church Church for expariate christians
* M'bruk:Congragulations
* Night of Destiny:See night of power
* Night of power:Night in Ramadan when God decides the fate of man for the coming year, Also beleived to be the night when God will answer special requests.
* Pasha :ocal official
* Rafah House:crisis pregnancy center
* Ramadan:Holy month of fasting in Islam
* Shahadda "there is no God but God, and Mohammed his is prophet'
* Tabarkala:you have been blessed by God
* Wali:Regional (state) official